Rocket Rumble just got an update!
We've been working hard on making changes and improvements before our full release (TBD). We've still got lots to do but you can check out the recent changes to Rocket Rumble here:
Rocket Rumble Version 0.2.78 Updates
New sound effects
All characters now have voices!
Added additional button prompts and improved existing ones
Improvements to In race Character Icons in the HUD
Loading screen is fixed when exiting the game
Fixed bug with tutorial crashing the game
Customization Scroll bar now works as intended
Disconnecting from our online servers no longer softlocks the game on the Splash screen
When the Player indicator is active in options, all local players will have nametags above them during gameplay at all times. Hopefully this should help players keep track of where they are
You can no longer get points for damaging yourself with your own items
Killing a player with an item now rewards 4 points instead of 2
Projectiles are now effected with the Boost pads in Holo Night
Fixed bugs with the demo version of the game.
Fixed bug where you could load multiple tracks at once from the Character Select
Minor and Major internal bug fixes
...and, wait who are those shadowy figures on the Character Select?!
Sad Updates:
Removed Ghost Dog Pin from last years Halloween event due to a conflict. Players who had this item will receive an in game currency reward automatically