Hey everyone! It's been a while but we've been really busy these past few months working towards our full release! Check out these awesome updates plus get a peek at what's on the way! Lighting Overhaul
We've updated the lighting on 3 of our current tracks! Asteroid Field, Holo Night and Caustic Canyon all got an eyepopping upgrade! These changes are available in our current build!

New VFX!
We've added brand new jet trails on the characters and updated some effects in the game, giving Rocket Rumble a brand new look! Plus check out a brand new finish line animation! Holo Night Update
Holo Night finally features procedurally generated obstacles! Now you'll never have the same race twice on this track with an ever-changing layout! Profile Preview Now you can check out your profile banners and frames in a stylish new preview!

On the Horizon... PixelNAUTS Account System
We're working on adding a PixelNAUTS account system to the game! This way you'll be able to save your progress across platforms once we have our full launch next year! Profile Pictures
Profile pictures are coming to Rocket Rumble! Along with our new account system, we'll be adding profile avatars to the game. Instead of using Steam profile pictures by default, avatars will added to the game as regular items so you'll be able to earn and use your coins to purchase them in the market! Loading Screen
We're updating our outdated loading screens to something a lot more fun and suiting for the game! Stay tuned for that coming soon! Steampunk Speedway
There's a brand new level on the way! Named by our Discord community, Steampunk Speedway is the next track coming to Rocket Rumble. Featuring tons of gears and new track elements; we can't wait for this level to be available to play!

New Logo
We're not quite ready to show it off just yet, but Rocket Rumble is getting a brand new logo! Keep your eyes peeled for our new branding, coming soon! Events
We'll be attending some events this year starting with the Indie Live Expo later this month! Stay tuned for info on more upcoming events, coming soon!

We have a lot of content coming to Rocket Rumble over the next few months! Be sure to add Rocket Rumble to your Steam Wishlist to get updated! Plus, check out our Twitter and Instagram pages for more including giveaways, #WishlistWednesday threads and more! See you at the start line! -Rocket Rumble Team