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October Dev Blog


Updated: Nov 17, 2021

It's finally fall!

First of all we'd like to thank everyone that joined us at Game Slice and the Tokyo Game Show in September! Last month was busy for the Rocket Rumble team and we had a blast at these events! We're so proud to have been a finalist for the Game Slice Industry Choice Awards this year and to have been selected for TGS!

Our first event was a success!

We has a ton of fun with our Sweet September event! We had a few bugs early on, but it was a chance to work out some kinks to make our next event event better! Next time will be less of a grind to earn the event rewards. We learned that playing 30 matches is too many!

Halloween is coming to Rocket Rumble

We're excited to announce that we'll be holding a Halloween event this year! We're taking what we learned from Sweet September and we're coming back with a brand new event!

Harrowing Halloween

will feature new spooky missions and a ton exclusive Halloween cosmetics to unlock!

Having a cool costume is what Halloween is all about! Here's a sneak peek at some brand new spooky items to dress up your racers! But that's not all that's getting haunted makeover! Expect to see some fun Halloween décor out on the track!

Loot drops are getting a lot more exciting!

We've been working on a fun new way to get loot! Instead of a lackluster pop-up you'll get an inventory of gifts to open!

A little further away, but still exciting news! We've got a brand new character and track on the way as well as a brand new tutorial level! More on that to come in our next dev update!

Lots of exciting things to come!

-Rocket Rumble Team



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