After a few more months of work, we finally had the chance to run a second beta test. This time it was “open” which meant no approval was needed to join the beta.

Opposed to the closed beta, this time it only ran from Friday to Sunday which was much more manageable. Despite being a fraction of the length, we got roughly twice as many players and they were having less matchmaking issues as everyone was forced to be on within a couple days. That said, we are still having some issues with the matchmaking when there aren’t enough players online. We’ll need to get more people playing ASAP.
The game itself was running a lot smoother than the first test session though seeing other people play uncovered a few new bugs to fix. Unfortunately other than bugs, we didn’t receive a ton of feedback this time around.

Changes from the first beta:
New UI
Larger Characters
New Cosmetic items including an exclusive BETA headband that will carry over to the full game at launch.
New Track - Caustic Canyon
Bug Fixes

All-in-all a much better experience than our first beta. If we do another beta before launch we'll definitely be the weekend model again!